
Creating a new way of improving the key competencies of adults

This project seeks to address the critical need for personal, social, and lifelong learning skills, especially among disadvantaged groups, by enhancing digital literacy and entrepreneurial competencies, in response to EU policies and the evolving labor market influenced by the COVID-19 crisis.

Project name: Creating a new way of improving the key competencies of adults

Project ID: 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000028281

Project type: KA220-ADULT


·         Deutsche Stickgilde e.V.  – Germany

·         Stowarzyszenie" Szansa dla Aktywnych" – Poland

·         Global Education Center B.V. – Netherlands


·         In Progress – Italy

Project Description

CONTEXT AND RATIONALE BEHIND THE PRESENTED PROJECT: During the whole development of the Project, the results and reports of basic EU documents and WEF (World Economic Forum) conclude that skills related to personal, social and learning to learn are necessary for successful learning and social development in the 21st century. The importance of lifelong learning is a concrete reality for EU policies. Besides, many EU Commission reports state that many individuals, especially adults do not know what to do in case of a crisis. After the global economic crisis in 2011, the EU changed their policies and paid attention to the improvements of Individuals’ key competencies and entrepreneurial skills.

The aim of those changes was mainly to foster the individuals to take action to handle the problems they may face. The adults, especially from disadvantaged groups such as immigrants, refugees, low-skilled, disabled, illiterate, low educated persons have great difficulty in keeping up with the necessary requirements of the time and this also cause social problems such as exclusion, isolation, depression, vandalism, aggression ..etc. So, In addition to life-long learning; self-learning, self-

improvement and self-inclusion have become much more important today. And also have in mind the important changes that the labour market will experiment with as a consequence of the COVID 19 crisis. Varlcárcel says that there are two elements that are repeated in all the demands that come to our foundation regardless of the sector and profile: knowledge of digital issues and skills and mentalities for professional development and as a consequence the learning to learn competence. 


This project “Self-Improvement of Key Competences aroused to meet those goals”-Key Skills- focuses on 3 out of 8 main competencies of life-long learning programme of EU Commission; 

• Cultural awareness and expression (civic engagement, social inclusion) 

• Digital and technology-based competencies (Improvement of Digital Skills) 

• Interpersonal skills, and the ability to adopt new competencies (empowering self-learning and life-long learning. Within each of these, we will build in many micro-courses e.g. understanding cultural and other differences (for migrants/refugees/people dealing with those); IT skills (email/web/search, word processing, spreadsheets, elements of design e.g. to make CVs look better), public speaking/presentation skills, etc. Once these adult learners have these competencies, they will be more confident in their own abilities to find jobs or create businesses. The structure of our project, to recap, should have at least 4 Intellectual Outputs; 

PR1: Research immediate needs of the target group vis-a-vis required skills 

PR2: Formulate micro-courses addressing PR1 needs 

PR3: Create Online Platform to host PR2 

PR4: Implement programme 

The main aim of this project is to extend and develop self – directed learning platform in order to improve adult education in the six project partners’ countries and therefore, to promote a sense of belonging for adult learners who are at high risk of exclusion such as unemployed people by creating opportunities to practice personal, social and learning to learn competencies in an an inclusive learning environment that naturally fosters self-esteem and resilience. The main objective of the project is to foster personal, social and learning to learn competence among unemployed people and people with a low level of skills in order to foster employability and job searching opportunities.