
Digital citizenship movement in school

Leveraging the digital transformation priorities of Erasmus+, we aim to educate and raise awareness among families and children about becoming good digital citizens, focusing on ethical behavior, responsible technology use, and the critical evaluation of information, through training provided by the Global Education Center B.V.


Project ID: 2022-1-LV01-KA210-SCH-000082882

Project type: KA210


·         Pamatskola "Ridze" – Latvia

·         I.C. LODI TERZO – Italy

·         Ataturk Ilkokulu -Türkiye

·         Global Education Center B.V. – The Netherlands

Project Description

People have started to communicate in online environments more than face-to-face interaction.It has started to create the perception of being a good digital citizen, that is, the necessity of acting within the framework of rights, law and responsibilities in the virtual environment as in real life, taking the ethics perception into account. Digital citizen can criticize while using information and communication resources, know the ethical consequences of their online behavior, does not abuse technology and encourages good and ethical behaviour when communicating and collaborating in the digital world. In this context, by using the digital transformation priorities of Erasmus+ on the way to become a good digital citizen, we will be educated to get the competencies by the teachers from the Global Education Center B.V course center, we want to raise awareness of families and children by developing education.


The objectives set in this project to improve the professional development and key competences of teachers are as follows:

-To teach how to use digital technologies in a responsible and effective way by developing digital citizenship skills.

-To acquire preparing skills of "Digital Citizenship Student Education Modules", which include all dimensions of digital

citizenship, to be applied in their classrooms.

-To ensure guidance for students to transfer their knowledge about conscious media use to daily life.

-To ensure development by cooperating effectively with teachers in partner institutions and sharing their practices, an on-site training experience, both institutionally and among educators, in the European dimension.