
Motivating Adult Learners to Engage in Competence Upskilling Activities in Detention Centres

Our project aims to create a non-formal learning environment for prisoners that enhances their key competencies, fostering effective reintegration, reducing recidivism, and promoting social cohesion and active citizenship post-release, in line with the Council of Europe Recommendations on Education in Prison and the priority of upskilling pathways.

Project name: Motivating Adult Learners to Engage in Competence Upskilling Activities in Detention Centres

Project ID: 2021-1-EL01-KA210-ADU-000030382  

Project type: KA210




·         uDevelop e.V. - Germany

·         Global Education Center B.V. - Netherlands


Project Description

Building upon the Council of Europe Recommendations on Education in Prison in which it is clearly stated that “...all imprisoned persons should be offered the opportunity to engage in educational activities and that these activities should serve to develop the whole person, be conducive to effective reintegration, and encourage a reduction in recidivism.” (RECOMMENDATION No. R (89)12), our project aims at creating the appropriate non-formal learning environment to

facilitate individual learners to operate, meet demands, and thrive in an increasingly dynamic and competitive knowledge- based society, after their release. Furthermore, our project reflects on another important aspect of the benefit education in prison has; on a community level where the development of key - competences can help with social cohesion and prevention of their marginalisation, through an active and engaged citizenship. To achieve active and engaged citizenship after their release, detainees need to work on their key-competences to prevent recidivism, but as well to prevent marginalisation. Into this context, our project is aligned with the priority of creating upskilling pathways, improving accessibility and increasing take-up of adult education as we are seeking to support the adult learners to enhance their key competences.


We aim to capture the current situation and to publish a Good Practices Guide on adult education in prison and detention centres and a Competences Structure Training Guide for adult learners to build up transversal skills to adult learners.